
2023/6/23 8:43:43      点击:
美的变频空调怎么调最制冷 美的空调遥控器怎么调制冷


美的变频空调制冷效果不理想也许房间大,空调小。40平方米使用3匹变频空调,或4匹定频空调。大象0308:为什么空调制冷的效果不好美的(Midea)变频空调智弧 冷暖壁挂机 怎么样????


美的变频空调怎么样Midea air conditioner this year I bought a ark horse machine 3 p frequency column machine, 9999 yuan and three big a horse one night once electricity, 3999 yuan, wanted to so expensive, advertising so loud, that must be very have a face, but from the two feel good noisy, and a lot of electricity, especially the ark is broken twice, once said that line is the edition wire is loose, to fold out welding,An error code is fail, the teacher said the beautiful air conditioning has the function of many impractical and auditing can't afford to run again, this I didn't know then look up the encyclopedia of beauty is not specialized for air conditioning, kui dead, with so much money to buy these goods assembly, to a new home, I feel every time I see the beauty of home air conditioning Fool,Personal recommendation to buy frequency conversion buyHisense ping fruit pie health environmental protection and energy saving, buy fixed freque